Carlingford New

When searching for a family name -search by surname,Each surname bears the Christian names of all in that family buried in that grave or associated with that family.The date of the first burial in the grave is at the end of the search line.

Grave Markings

James Alice (See OHare William)

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Kearney Michael,Margaret, Harper Jerry,Winifred,Maria, Dundalk Road. 1932

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Kearney Rooskey Road.

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Keenan John,Gertrude, Kirwan,( Drumcar) Dundalk Street,1957

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Keenan Michael,Kathleen (Cassie) Back Lane, NMorth Commons,1986

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Keenan Stephen, 2007

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Kelly Eddie, North Commons, 1985

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Kennedy Elizabeth,Castle Hill, 1956

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Kerr Josephine, Ignatius,Glenwood,North Commons, 1983

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Kerr William(Bill) ,Mountain Park, 1983

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Kirk Ellen, Castle Hill, 1974

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Kirk, Michael Francis, Eamon 1991

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Kirk Patrick,(Pat),Mary, Iniskeen, Dundalk Street,1990

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Lamph John,Rose,James,Ann Pollock (nee Lamph),OHanlon James ,Mary, Dundalk Road, 1943

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Lambe Margaret, (See Nancy Brennan)

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Lamph Jessica Emma Baby 2003

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Larkin James, Josephine (nee Delaney)Billy, John ,Elizabeth, Newry Street, 1954

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Larkin Jimmy, Abbey Court Dundalk Street, 2014

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Larkin Patrick,Mary Larkin, Dundalk Street, 1972

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Lawlor Mary, (OHanlon) Greenore Road, Kilenaule Co Tipperary,2011

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Leech Alice, Mullatee, 1976

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Lennon Luke,BrĂ­d,, Bawn Co Monaghan, Grove Road. 2005

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Long Elizabeth, (See Harrison Nathaniel)

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Long Hugh,Rose (nee Rice) Grove Road, 1996

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Lynch Susan, Greenore Road, 1991

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