View of Carlingford from the sea
29 January 2017
As its Halloween, have to remember some really good times, firstly you were allowed to stay out really late.Gathering tyres(not eco friendly) for the bonefire up the 'DUMP' then playing 'Thunder and Lightening' plus removing gates, bangers,jumpin jacks, sparklers, rockets etc., all probably illegal and smuggled through from Newry, a good chase by the Garda and that just topped a great night. The bonefire at the Molly was also a big deal am not sure if it happened at the same time as the Dump bonefire or if we were relocated, can anyone remember?More > (0 comments)
29 January 2017
I was born in NYC and at the age of 12, I went to spend a summer with The Coyle’s of Irish Grange, Barney, Lizzie, Sarah and Noah. My mom was Alice who immigrated to New York with her older sister Mamie. When my time came to go home I refused and threatened to run away with my dog Teddy up the Cooley Mountain. Lizzie called my mom and dad and after much talk, I was allowed to stay until the following summer. My mom and dad had to take me home to NYC, I remember this year as the best of my early days!! I went to the Bush Tech and made many friends. Years later in 1992 I bought their home. Many a day I road my red bike into Carlingford and hung at McKevitts, Arthur, The Yank, was a piece of work....More laterMore > (0 comments)
29 January 2017
first let me say that while I personally have no memories of Carlingford, butI am sure my great grandmother and her mother and father did. i live in America and have discovered that my great grandmother, Esther Mateer, was born in Carlingford about 1845. Her parents were James Mateer and Elizabeth Caldwell.Esther came her to America and wed my great grandfather, Charles Drypolcher.
I have become fascinated with my Irish heritage and am trying to find out if there are any Mateers or Caldwells left in Carlingford.
From what I have seen online, Carlingford looks to be a beautiful, friendly place. My wife and I are planning a trip to your fair city in next year.
If anyone there has any memory or information about my relatives,I would appreciate your contacting me. My email address is . I hope it was o.k. to post this on your website. I really enjoy reading about Carlingford.
Thank you ! Dale Drypolcher
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29 January 2017
Madeline Woods Hayes Chicago and Ind.USA.
Sunday Tea
Sunday tea in the Ghan House in the 1950s and 60s had a ritual and rhythm.
The feast appeared on the table as if by magic every Sunday evening but there was no magic about it. Mammy had baked and prepared all day Saturday and Daddy had bought the roast chicken in Kiernan’s earlier in the day . I usually washed the lettuce in the scullery. I helped Mammy set each plate with sliced chicken or sometimes roast beef left over from the dinner (now lunch), hard boiled eggs and tomatoes.
Two of the many tables were placed length ways and set with a white tablecloth. As a girl and the eldest of six siblings it was my job to set the table.
The “spread” appeared – light as a feather sponges dissected with fresh cream and raspberry jam and sometimes meringues, cup cakes, or scones.-but a feast it was !
Daddy sat at the head of the table and Mammy with her back to Aga cooker.
I remember laughter and good conversation, sports ,politics and the days current topics all were covered with much ribbing.
The meal over it was all hands on deck –even Daddy-for the clean up.
The dishes were washed in the scullery sink (no dish-washer yet) someone washed another dried and another put away.
The big old red tiled floor was swept- Paul or Kevin used the brush as a microphone to sing the latest aria from Radio Luxemburg and more often than not Mammy danced with one of us around the kitchen table. It was our first introduction to ballroom dancing.
Then it was hurry up for rosary and benediction at 7pm.--The ritual of Hymns and incense-Aunt Lily Woods singing at the top of her voice, lungs bursting and soaring above the rest of us. The warmth of community whose every face was familiar Mrs Marron and Jimmy, Agnes Boylan, Mary Larkin, Ducks Brannigan, Jinny Connolly, Mary Ann McCourt, Gerry Harpur Danny Mc Kevitt, Sis Flynn and Paddy Finegan and of course Auntie (who lived with us in the Ghan) Oh and so many more ! The men sat on one side and women on the other, children to the front.
It was magic! So special in a way we really didn’t appreciate.
But it did shape us and give us memories that still bring a sweet tear -- and laughter.
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