When searching for a family name -search by surname,Each surname bears the Christian names of all in that family buried in that grave or associated with that family.The date of the first burial in the grave is at the end of the search line.
The first grave opened in this cemetery was on Good Friday 1895 . Michael Callaghan of Caseys Row Dundalk was interrned and his memorial stone was erected by his fellow members of the Dundalk St Patricks Total Abstinence Society in his memory. He died on April 10th 1895.
Baldwin William, Alice, Breege, Jenkinstown,1978,
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Beattie Jack,Mary Catherine,Ann Jane, Bellurgan
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Beatty Peckham Wm. 1879.
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Callaghan Michael, Dundalk 1895.
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Carragher Joseph,Anna,Castle Hill, Carlingford, 1951
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Clarke Bernard,Catherine,John,Ellen,James Mary, Piedmont, Killen, 1910
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Cogan Peter,Rose,Annaskeagh, Mount Pleasant, 1978
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Crilly Elizabeth, Annaskeagh, 1950
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Cullen Hugh, Mary, Ravensdale 1913.
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Dooley Michael Rose, Hugh, Annie,Greenore 1914
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Feehan James, Sarah,John,Patrick,Castlecara, Riverstown.
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Ferrigan ,John, Bridget, Thomas, Jackie,Maureen, William,Baby Elaine Mary,Annaskeagh, Mount Pleasant, 1932,
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Finegan Bridget, Catherine, Thomas, Harrison Mary,Thomas, Greenore 1918.
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Finegan Patrick, Mary, Eileen,Rice James, Bellurgan,1917
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Finnegan Dominic, Feede Mount Pleasant, 2008.
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Finnegan Matthew, Mary, Joseph,Ciaron,Annaskeagh, 1962
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Flanagan John,Ann (Nan), Desmond,Muirhevna, Dundalk,1962
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Flanagan Peter, Esther, Bernadette, Una,Robinson, Park Villas, Carlingford. 1939
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Fox James,Mary Ann, James Joseph,Kathleen Christina,Mount Pleasant, 1945,
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Garland John Thomas, Mary, John Thomas, Bellurgan, 1966
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Goss Peter,Bregid,Charles J,Mary C, Mount Pleasant, 1962,
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Harrison (See Finegan)
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Hollywood Brendan,Maeve,Rory, Gyles Quay.1982
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Kearney Joseph, McCarragher Mary Greenore 1918
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Keenan Patrick (Patsy),Edward (Teddy),Margaret (Peggy), Annaskeagh, Mountpleasant.1985
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