When searching for a family name -search by surname,Each surname bears the Christian names of all in that family buried in that grave or associated with that family.The date of the first burial in the grave is at the end of the search line.
OHanlon Patrick, Annie, James, Margaret, Mullatee 1962.
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OHanlon James,Mary Ann ,Mountbagnal, Greenore Road, 1941
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OHanlon James, Mary (See Lamph John)
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OHare Patrick, Catherine,James,OShea Elizabeth,Daniel, Tommy,Dundalk Stret, Ghan Road, 1958
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OHare Hugh, Mary (nee Quinn), Patrick Joseph (PJ.)Maureen, Maura (nee Hanratty) Tholsel Street, 1963
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OHare James, Mary,Jimmy,John, Curran Molly, Blackpool,Dundalk Street, 1958
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OHare Liam, St Michaels Tce, 1985
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OHare Thomas P. (See Magennis Ellen)
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OHare William,Molly (nee Martin)Aodh,(Hugh) James Alice,Dundalk Street, 1970
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OHare Minnie,Tholsel Street, 1990.
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ONeill Agustin, Angela, Suter Michael, Kate,North Commons, 1975
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ONeill Isobella,St Olivers Park, 1986.
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OReilly John, Katie, Elizabeth,Mary Anne,Sean, 1957
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OReilly Katie,Owen, Dundalk Road, 1917.
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OReilly Thomas, Cambridge, Carlingford, 2015.
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ORourke Agustus (Gussy), Michael Joseph, Agnes Catherine,Brian, Chapel Hill, 1976.
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ORourke Michael,Ella (nee McKevitt), Mícheál, 1997.
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ORourke Patrick, Elizabeth,OHare Mary Ellen,Hugh, Dundalk Street, 1954.
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OHare Mary Ellen,( See ORourke Patrick)
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Pollock Ann, (See John Lamph)
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Rice Bridget, Susan, Rose, Peter,Ellen, Moneymore, 1950
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Rice Brigid (Bridie) St Michaels Tce, 2017
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Rice Patrick ( Pat),St Michaels Tce, 2013
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Rice Rose (See Long, Hugh)
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Rice Stephen,Majella,Martine, Greenore Road, 1979
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